Diet and exercise are great ways to shed those extra pounds, but still, fat-stubborn areas such as your thighs, buttocks, and arm may not gain definition even when you lose weight. Fortunately, Katy body contouring allows you to get rid of extra fat and loose skin in those places, giving you a toned and defined body. Patients who have undergone bariatric surgery can also benefit from body sculpting or contouring. Removal of fat and excess skin can be done through surgical procedures like a tummy tuck or non-surgical ones like cryolipolysis, injection lipolysis, and laser lipolysis. Here is more information about body contouring.
What is body contouring?
Body contouring or sculpting is a term used to describe surgical and non-surgical processes to eliminate fat and excess skin in specific body areas such as your flanks and buttocks. Body sculpting cannot help weight reduction but can give your body more definition. After bariatric surgery, individuals who have had significant weight loss tend to have loose skin and are usually good candidates for body contouring. Besides improving your physical appearance, body contouring is also good for your self-esteem and even mental health in some cases.
When would I need body contouring?
There are different instances when you may need body contouring, such as to get rid of the skin laxity that comes with aging. Other people opt for body sculpting to address fat-stubborn areas that do not respond to diet and physical activity, while for some, it may be to attain a thinner form or desired body shape. The specific body sites that can benefit from body contouring include:
- Belly and flanks
- Back
- Chin
- Neck
- Arms
- Thighs
- Buttocks
How do I prepare for body contouring?
The first step is consulting with your doctor to discuss your goals, desired outcomes, and establish whether you are a good candidate for body sculpting. During a consultation, expect to answer several questions, including whether you have had previous surgeries
and if you are allergic to any substances. You may also need to provide your specialist with a list of your current medications, including dietary supplements, during your consultation appointment. If you are scheduled for a tummy tuck, your doctor will inform you about the risks of the procedure, which include bleeding, infection, permanent scarring, and poor wound healing.
What happens during body contouring?
Surgical procedures such as tummy tuck and liposuction vary from non-surgical processes like lipolysis. The surgeon marks the sites pre-operatively for surgical procedures, and a patient is sedated with local or general anesthesia depending on the type of surgery. The specialist cleans and disinfects the surgical site before incisions to remove excess fat and reposition tissues. After creating your desired look, the doctor closes the incisions and dresses your wound with bandages. Patients need to take some time off from regular activities like school and work during the healing period.
Most non-surgical processes occur in the doctor’s office, and a session may last between 30 minutes and an hour. Depending on the type of lipolysis you are getting, the doctor uses injections or other tools like wands and paddles. You need subsequent treatments for effective outcomes, but no downtime is needed.
Consult your specialist at Marvelous Clinic and Medspa to learn more about body contouring treatment options.