An Ultimate Guide to a Breast Lift

A breast lift can be the perfect way to restore youthful volume and shape after pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss for many women. The procedure can also help balance sagging breasts that have lost their fullness from aging. Achieving these goals requires an experienced plastic surgeon skilled in performing this type of surgery. A specialist in East Windsor, NJ, will take time with you to discuss your options. However, target the best center for breast lift in East Windsor.

What is a Breast Lift?

A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that raises and reshapes sagging breasts. The goal of the surgery is to restore balance to your chest area by creating fuller upper breasts and reducing or eliminating under-breast fullness.

While some women are just seeking an improvement in their overall breast appearance, others may seek the results of this procedure after losing weight following pregnancy or childbirth, finding that they have lost volume at their bust line. Breast lifts can enhance the size and shape of small breasts if they’ve never been completely happy with what they see in the mirror.

The type of lift you receive will depend on your specific condition and desired outcome. Two standard techniques include:

  • The anchor lift: This surgery is typically used on women with sagging breasts and involves the removal of excess skin in a circular pattern around the areola.
  • The lollipop lift: This surgery is crucial for women with mild to moderate sagging and involves the removal of skin from the breast in a vertical line from the areola to the crease underneath the breast.

Both techniques involve making small incisions in the breast tissue, closed with stitches.

What Should I Expect After a Breast Lift?

Most women report that they feel great after their breast lift surgery. However, you will likely experience some swelling and bruising around the breasts in the days following your procedure. Most of this will subside within a week, but it can take several weeks for the bruising to completely disappear.

Breast lift surgery is typically performed on an outpatient basis. You may also be able to return to work within seven days of your procedure if you are employed in a passive role. However, avoid strenuous exercise and heavy lifting for at least one month following your procedure.

Benefits of a Breast Lift

A breast lift can help improve the shape and firmness of sagging breasts. While your breasts will likely never appear precisely how they did before you began aging, a breast lift can help restore balance to your chest area while also creating fuller upper breasts and reducing under-breast fullness.

A breast lift procedure can boost confidence. Many women feel uncomfortable about their appearance and clothing choices due to the shape of their breasts. Thus, a breast lift can improve your self-image and improve how you think about your overall appearance.

If you’re a woman feeling the effects of pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss on your breast shape and size – it’s time to take action. A breast lift can help restore youthful volume and shape to sagging breasts. If you have been considering this procedure for years but haven’t taken the leap yet, now may be just the right time. Find the best specialist in town.