Mental Health Conditions Likely to Affect Young Children

Mental illness, especially in children, can be challenging to detect. As a result, most victims fail to get the professional assistance they need. Irvine child mental health experts at Americas TMS Center note that the changes in behavior, thinking, and feeling affect how the young one behaves. Mental issues in children and young adults can be distressing, affecting their abilities to function correctly in most social contexts, including school. However, seeking ways to help the child relax can help minimize mental health’s adverse effects.

Why is mental health crucial in young children?

Mental health is vital in any child’s life, having a complex relationship with the young one’s physical health and ability to succeed in various aspects, including social relations. Mental and physical health have significant roles in how individuals act, feel, and think. For instance, an overweight teenager teased because of his excess weight may eventually become depressed, withdrawing socially from his peers and active engagements like exercising. As a result, the young person’s mental and physical health deteriorates, preventing him from living a satisfactory life. Poor physical health has long-term effects on the young adult, affecting his ability to attain full potential.

Therefore, children and teens deserve to lead healthy lives, helping them address possible mental health concerns that may arise.

What are some of the mental health issues likely to affect children?

  • Anxiety disorders

Anxiety issues, especially in children, manifest primarily in persistent worries likely to disrupt the young one’s ability to participate in age-appropriate social contexts. Diagnoses of such disorders include obsessive-compulsive conditions and social anxiety.

  • Eating disorders

The various eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa and binge-eating, result from an individual’s definition of an ‘ideal’ body type. The disordered thinking of adverse means to stay in shape might lead to unsafe dieting habits, resulting in emotional dysfunction and life-threatening complications.   

  • Attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD)

Unlike other children of a similar age group, young ones with ADHD have increased levels of hyperactivity and impulsive behaviors, affecting their ability to concentrate on a task or lesson. 

  • Depression

Your healthcare provider is likely to diagnose depression if the child has a persistent sadness that disrupts his social interaction with others and ability to perform well in school. Mood disorders like Bipolar might result in extreme mood swings that might be unsafe for the young one.

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Like adults, children are likely to get affected by prolonged psychological and emotional distress. Additionally, disruptive memories, especially those concerning traumatic events like death, violence, and abuse, may cause the child emotional pain that might affect the young one over time, affecting his social interactions.

  • Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)

The neurological concern mainly affects children in their early childhood (around three years). Though the condition’s degree of severity varies, children with the mental disorder usually have problems communicating and social interactions.

  • Schizophrenia

Unlike ASD which affects children earlier on, schizophrenia affects the young ones in their early teens and twenties, causing the victims to detach from reality. Children living with schizophrenia struggle with hallucinations, disordered thinking, and delusions.

Helping a child overcome mental illness is one way of boosting his overall well-being. Contact your child’s healthcare provider to know how to deal with the problematic behavior affecting your young one.