7 Signs of Menopause You Should Know About

The beginning of menopause is a time in a woman’s life when she will experience drastic physical and emotional changes. It is normal to feel very stressed or agitated that one is entering this phase in their life in this period. As women age, they must also be aware of signs of menopause so that they know when the time has come for them to seek medical assistance from an OB/GYN dealing with menopause in Winter Park. With treatment, you can manage your symptoms and live a comfortable life. In this article, we look at some of the common symptoms of menopause.

  • Irregular Menstrual Cycles

The time after puberty is marked by regular hormonal fluctuations responsible for the cyclical nature of menstruation. However, these hormones slow down with age and become less effective at regulating the menstrual cycle. As a result, it becomes difficult to pinpoint the exact duration between two periods. Moreover, there are instances when menstruation stops completely, or the cycle reduces to half the time of what is considered normal.

  • Night Sweats

With age, women tend to sweat more during the night. The body temperature is not as effectively regulated as it used to be, so there are instances when heat is released through sweat even at night, causing excessive sweating just before bedtime, making one uncomfortable. This also leads to hot flashes, which are sudden flashes of heat that can lead up to a couple of minutes in a person.

  • Bladder Problems

There is a gradual decrease in estrogen production, negatively affecting the bladder. A reduction in this hormone also affects collagen and blood vessels which cause long-term effects on the bladder’s function. As one ages, they may find it difficult to control their bladder, especially during exercise or in cases of coughing or sneezing.

  • Vaginal Dryness

This is one of the most common symptoms of menopause. Vaginal dryness can be attributed to low levels of estrogen, which are responsible for vaginal lubrication. Women tend to produce less estrogen, so they experience vaginal dryness resulting in bleeding during intercourse or discomfort while urinating.

  • Mood Swings

The rapid changes in hormones can affect how women think and feel. With age, these emotions are heightened because it becomes difficult to control what is happening within one’s body. Mood swings can be extremely overwhelming, resulting in feelings of despair or irritability for seemingly no reason at all.

  • Fatigue

As the body ages, it becomes harder to process sleep patterns because of irregularities in hormone levels. As a result, women often have a hard time staying awake and may feel excessively tired throughout the day, so they need to grab quick naps after work or whenever possible.

  • Weight Gain

When a woman enters menopause, there is a marked reduction in the level of estrogen produced by their body. This can cause them to gain weight and even develop osteoporosis in some cases.

In summary, a woman goes through numerous changes during menopause, making it a difficult stage to navigate. Some of the common signs of menopause include weight gain, vaginal dryness, fatigue, and mood swings. Bladder problems, night sweats, and irregular menstrual cycles can also occur during menopause. However, the symptoms may vary from one person to another.