Imagine you just come back from work and walk around the small shop on the corner of the neighbourhood to run errands. Then, you saw an unconscious person lying down with her body shaking on the ground. The human instinct of being curious will first lead you to think what is happening and you may be finding to term that it could be a sign of seizures. In those brief moments, to feel panic is totally normal but the best way to deal with this is to provide aid. First, make the person in a safe environment which includes cushioning their head from constant banging on the ground and away from objects nearby. Next, you should stay with the person until they are fully awake and alert. To make sure they are really awake and alert is simply by asking “are you alright” and “where you are now”. Such questions can help you understand the severity of the seizures and to decide if you need to call for medical assistance. You should definitely ask for help and medical assistance if the seizures last more than 5 minutes or the person does not seem to gain a sense of consciousness.
What does all the above have to do with what we are about to learn today? Today we will learn about seizures. All written above is the most basic thing you can do to help a person with seizures. This can mean a lot for the patient and to keep them safe when they are not able to control themselves. There are many medicines available to help seizures such as Keppra 500mg.
Seizures are defined as sudden uncontrolled movement and changes in behaviour that is caused by the abnormal activity in the brain. The term seizures and epilepsy are often used interchangeably. The main differences between seizures and epilepsy are that seizures are a single occurrence whereas epilepsy is defined as 2 or more unprovoked seizures. To put it in simple words, people with epilepsy are confirmed to have seizures whereas those with seizures may or may not have epilepsy. This is because seizures may actually be caused by other conditions not relating to the brain such as low blood sugar and heart conditions.
Seizure symptoms can range from sudden changes in mental awareness to fully lost consciousness to unusual sensation and involuntary twitching or shaking of the body. There are a number of seizure types and treating each type requires specific medications. Most common drugs used to treat seizures are antiepileptic drugs such as carbamazepine and sodium valproate. Treating seizures with antiepileptic drugs depends on the type of the seizures and the person’s health condition. Some antiepileptic drugs can cause side effects that would be different from one person to another. Common side effects of antiepileptic drugs include fatigue, agitation, headache, uncontrollable shaking, hair loss, unwanted hair growths, swollen gums and skin rash. These side effects are common when a person starts taking antiepileptic drugs but should these side effects get worse , patients should talk to their healthcare provider and to not stop taking medicine unless they are told to do so.
Some people might wonder if there are other things that can be done apart from taking medications to help control seizures. There are actually ways to control seizures by using nature’s approach. Below are ways you can control seizures naturally:
1) Ketogenic diet- Diet high in fat and low in carbohydrate. Research shows that a ketogenic diet reduces the frequency of seizures and help to improve mental clarity. This diet led to a ketosis process in the body which involves breaking down protein in the muscles. This chemical reaction suppresses seizure activity. Many people find it hard to follow this type of diet and the Atkins diet may be the next best thing next to a ketogenic diet as it is less restrictive.
2) Herbal remedies- Ingredients such as flavonoids in plants might benefit those with seizures. The effects of flavonoid such as balancing the brain chemical known as neurotransmitter, prevent inflammation of the brain cells and prevent oxidative stress from damaging the brain. Examples of these herbs include curcumin, cat’s claw, milk thistle and American ginseng. The downside of herbal remedies is that there is no known dosage or recommendations on using these herbs can concretely reduce seizures.
3) Supplements- Taking supplements such as vitamin B6, vitamin E, taurine and omega-3 fatty acids may reduce seizure frequency. Besides supplements, eating food high in such nutrients should be able to provide the same benefits, in fact better than what supplements can.
4) Relaxation- Stress and anxiety may increase risk of having a seizure. Relaxation techniques such as body massage, reflexology and essential oils such as lavender can help a person feel relaxed. It is best to seek advice from a qualified practitioner before involving with any relaxation session.
In essence, seizures are better treated with medical care from doctors. 2 out of 3 people with seizures find that antiepileptic drugs work to reduce the severity and frequency of the symptoms. Those who are interested in a natural way of controlling seizures should have a discussion with their doctor first before using natural or alternative treatments. Talk to a doctor if seizures episodes get worse or when antiepileptic drugs seem to not work for you.