How to Improve Back Pain with These 6 Easy Methods

Are you tired of debilitating back pain? If back pain detracts from the quality of your life and causes significant discomfort, you need effective pain management services at the West Orange Pain Center of NJ. The center develops individualized patient-centered pain remedies that leverage minimally invasive methods. However, your options are not limited. Dr. Ira Siegel at the NJ pain center employs efficacious pain management techniques we delve into and give a verdict on the most suitable one for you.

1. Heat and Ice Therapy

Alternative therapies like hot and cold therapy are proven techniques for easing numerous body spasms. Heat energy dilates the blood vessels, increasing blood flow to the targeted body parts. Improved circulation imparts nutrients and oxygen to the painful tissues and promotes faster pain relief.

Ice therapy achieves similar results, albeit on a contrasting principle. Ice therapy reduces blood flow to the inflamed tissues and abates pain. You can use heat and ice therapy as initial pain management to non-open wound pain at home before seeking a pain specialist’s assistance.

2. A Little Exercise Won’t Hurt

We know it’s too much to implore you to engage in physical activities while grappling with pain. However, keeping your joints in motion is beneficial to pain relief and overall body health. Exercise regimens vary from person to person, contingent on physical fitness and exercise tolerance. Half an hour of exercise releases endorphins that minimize pain perception.

Gradually start from simple to complex exercises as pain reduces. Strenuous exercise routines further worsen the pain. Consult Dr. Siegel on the activities you can incorporate into your personalized regimen.

3. Time for Shots

Advanced pain management employs modern medicine to combat pain. Epidural injections are a proven pain management method, especially for lower back pain. Pain experts inject local anesthetic and steroid coalescent into the epidural space. The anesthetic immediately eases the pain while the steroid combats inflammation from the nerve roots. The epidural injection lasts up to a year. Blend epidural injections with complementary therapies for permanence.

4. Physical Therapy

Physical therapy reintroduces movements to immobilized joints and strengthens them. Massage, red light therapy are part of physical therapy techniques. Certified physical therapists offer effective therapeutic massages compared to standard medical practitioners. Some specialized pain centers have in-house therapy centers that help you manage pain while receiving surgical or non-surgical treatment. However, a physical therapy technique depends on the affected body part.

5. Drug Therapy

Opioids, antidepressants, steroids, NSAIDs, and beta-blockers are doctor prescribed pain relief medications. The medicine varies depending on the period of treatment and type of pain. Generally, drug therapy is a short-term method compared to surgery which is a long-lasting solution. Importantly note that drug therapy is not a one-size-fits-all technique, and you need an accurate diagnosis at the NJ pain center for pain-relieving drugs prescription. Do not aggravate body pain by self-prescribing drugs.

6. Acupuncture

The old-age Chinese tradition still works wonders in modern medicine. Acupuncture entails an acupuncturist prickling your skin at precise points to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Acupuncture is a safe method that offers short-term pain relief.


At the NJ pain center, you have a wide range of comprehensive pain management options. To find out the best pain relief method for you, schedule an appointment at the NJ pain center in West Orange.