Tips to Prevent Snoring

Snoring is a common problem – you probably snore or know someone who does. Besides being a nuisance to household members and your partner, Newport Beach snoring can signify a serious health problem such as obstructive sleep apnea. Snoring is the hoarse sound produced when air passes past your throat, causing the relaxed tissues to vibrate. The following tips and measures can help you prevent snoring.

Lose extra weight and maintain a healthy weight

If you started snoring after gaining weight but did not have the problem before, losing extra pounds may help. Excess weight around the neck narrows the internal diameter of the throat, making it more likely to collapse when you sleep. Further, extra fat may also deposit along your throat and vibrate when air passes. However, weight loss may not be effective for everyone; some thin people also snore.

Do not lie on your back

When you lie on your back the base of your tongue and soft palate further collapses to the back of your throat, producing vibrations as you breathe. Sleeping on your side can help stop the snoring; consider using a full-length pillow to support your entire body if you have difficulties sleeping on your side. You can sew a round object like a tennis ball on the back of your pajamas, so you don’t sleep on your back. If snoring continues after changing your sleeping position, see your healthcare provider since obstructive sleep apnea may be the cause.

Keep your nasal passages open

If snoring starts in your nose, try keeping your nasal passages open to allow air to move slower. Due to cold or allergies, blocked or clogged air passages cause air to move fast, which is more likely to produce a hoarse sound as you sleep. Taking a hot shower before bedtime can help open up your nasal passage and prevent snoring. You can also make homemade saline water by stirring half a teaspoon of non-iodized salt and half a teaspoon of baking soda in distilled water; use the solution to rinse your nose as you shower. Alternatively, you can use a neti pot to unclog your nasal passages with saline water.

Avoid alcohol close to bedtime

Alcohol makes your throat muscles overly collapse when you sleep, making it more likely that you will snore. Drinking alcohol four to five hours before bedtime worsens snoring; people who do not snore will snore after drinking alcohol.

Stay hydrated

When dehydrated, secretion in your nose and mouth become stickier, which can cause snoring. For this reason, drink plenty of fluids, especially water, to avoid snoring and prevent dehydration symptoms such as headache and fatigue.

Change your pillows

Your pillows may contain different allergens such as dust and pet dander; these irritants cause allergic reactions, which may cause snoring. Therefore put your pillows in the air fluff cycle at least once after a few weeks and replace them twice a year to keep allergens to a minimum. If you are allergic to animal dander, you do not want pets sleeping on your bed.

These practices can make a significant difference in reducing snoring. If you have further questions about snoring, consult your provider today at Alexis Furze, MD.