Debunking 6 Common Myths About Forensics

Due to the influence of crime films and popular culture, many people believe they understand the science of forensics. While you might have picked some cues on how forensics works, fiction does not portray the true picture of how robbinsdale forensics works. For this reason, many tend to internalize certain falsehoods about how things work out in reality. This article explores some of the most common myths about forensics to give you a clear picture of this science.

1.     All Forensic Scientists Work In Law Enforcement

One of the most prevalent misconceptions about forensic science is that all professionals work in law enforcement. However, in reality, only a small fraction of forensic scientists work in government agencies like the FBI and police departments.

Most forensic scientists work in private labs. In these laboratories, the scientists help analyze crime scene evidence, examine peculiar documents, and perform toxicology tests.

2.     Forensic Science Is Solely About Solving Crime

For centuries, criminologists and detectives have used forensic science to solve crimes. This science has proven highly effective in resolving complex crimes like murder, kidnappings, and more.

However, that is not its sole purpose. Forensic science can also be used to establish the cause of death, authenticate documents, and identify human remains.

3.     Forensic Scientists Always Solve Cases

Another prevalent misunderstanding regarding forensic science is that these specialists can always solve crimes. In reality, forensic science is imperfect, and there are instances where the evidence is insufficient to draw a conclusive verdict.

In such cases, the best a forensic scientist can do is offer information that investigators can use.  

4.     Forensic Science Is Entirely Accurate

Unlike common belief, forensic science is not entirely accurate. Numerous techniques utilized in forensic science are based on interpretation and estimation, instead of hard facts.

For instance, when approximating the time of death, these specialists will factor in various factors, such as body temperature and rigor mortis. These data are estimates as nobody has a true account of events. Besides, when examining fingerprints, there is always some degree of error.

5.     Forensic Scientists Do Not Have to Deal with People

Numerous persons assume a laboratory role, such as forensic science, which implies they do not have to work with people frequently. Unfortunately, that is far from the truth, as forensic scientists are team players who partner with other professionals, such as detectives, and district attorneys.

Besides, the court may also request a forensic scientist to testify in court. As such, forensic experts must hold up nicely when scrutinized, talk carefully, and know how to relay results in an easy-to-understand manner.

6.     Finding Evidence Takes Minutes

Only in TV shows and movies will you see forensics data collected and analyzed in minutes. The truth is that strict guidelines by which the data in question must first go through.

The forensics experts must develop parameters and metrics for the search and then find cues or suspicious data. The incriminating information may vary from the matching DNA of a hair strain and fingerprint sample to a blood stain.

Forensic science is not as clear or fast as films make it appear. Nonetheless, it is quite fascinating. Forensic experts have made vital discoveries from bitemarks, the smell of certain gasses, the flecks of pollen, and numerous other things that entailed meticulous science and keen observation. These discoveries have helped solve cases that date back to decades ago.